So, I'm generally not one to drink, however last night was a really good friend of mine's 21st b-day party. He had a huge bonfire and a camper and of course, a boat full of alcohol.
Originally there was this rule of 'no drinking until the pizza gets here' but as soon as the pizza arrived a massive, dark cloud swept right over head. Lightening started striking, the fire went out, and all 20 or so people tried to cram into one tiny little camper. A few, roughed it outside playing in the rain, continuing to run to the boat to get more beers. Ironic? This boat on the ground in his back yard, began over flowing with water. Essentially failing as a boat itself, taking on more water than the titanic!
As the cloud passed, the chairs began drying up and the sun went down completely, leaving us with the idea of a bonfire. Wood and pizza boxes soaked, many attempts were made to light empty cigarette boxes and napkins. Eventually, Andrew's father came out with tiki torch fluid and some dry wood. The bonfire had begun. The music was back on. And everyone was quickly spiraling into drunken fits again.
Later on, a girl got sick... now I am not referring to her as 'a girl' to hide identity, for I am pretty positive she was of age. She is 'a girl' because she arrived already drunk and therefor didn't introduce herself to anyone. Just stumbled around occasionally flashing people or passing out. Finally ending in making a fool of herself by throwing up and crying next to a pile of wood. But have no fear, after the sickness, oh yes she managed to find her way into the camper for more beers and shots before again passing out near the bathroom.
Honestly, this was a great party though. I got to see lots of people I hadn't seen since I moved to Newport News.
Oh and a reminder to the birthday boy: don't pass out at your own party until everyone else is gone. Or else you end up with your picture, curled under the sink, online. ^_^
Lol, nice